
This blog is a journal.  I have no interval that I will commit to posting, however I hope that it will happen at least every week.  I will censor rude, insensitive or explicit comments. I am all for freedom of speech but I’m trying to run a family show here.  I intend to amuse, entertain, vent or other wise spew random thoughts.

Also, you will find that I am what many people consider to be liberal.  I don’t mind a spirited debate here and there, but if you ignore facts and figures or if you don’t have data to back up your claims – we will have an issue.

Back story:  I am a consultant that works primarily with the US government through commercial entities.  In the past, my wife (together 12 years, married nearly 4) and I have fostered dogs and children.  Examined multiple faiths and belief systems, had our ups and downs, mostly ups.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and every day she still manages to find a way to surprise me.

The big news is that we’ll be having fraternal twins (2 boys, Thing 1 and Thing 2) on Friday the 28th.  My excitement about this knows no bounds.  We have been trying forever before we finally found a way to make IVF work financially.

More to come soon from … My Life in Excrement: Foster Dogs, Foster Kids and Federal Policy Compliance